The Rizzoli & Isles series by Tess Gerritsen is a captivating collection of crime fiction novels that revolve around the lives and partnership of Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles. Set in Boston, the series delves into the intricate and often dark world of criminal investigations, combining elements of suspense, mystery, and forensic science. The first book, The Surgeon, introduces the two main characters as they work together to track down a serial killer who targets women and performs surgical procedures on them. Throughout the series, Rizzoli and Isles face various challenges, both personal and professional, as they confront a range of complex cases and dangerous adversaries. Gerritsen's writing style is engaging and vivid, immersing readers in the vividly portrayed settings and the characters' emotions. The series offers a unique blend of procedural and psychological thrills, with a strong focus on character development and interpersonal relationships. The Rizzoli & Isles series has gained widespread popularity, leading to a successful TV adaptation. Readers who enjoy crime fiction, suspenseful narratives, and strong female protagonists will find this series particularly appealing...
Tess Gerritsen
The Surgeon
If you enjoy the thrilling and suspenseful writing of Tess Gerritsen in Rizzoli & Isles, you'll love her debut novel, The Surgeon. This book introduces the reader to Jane Rizzoli, a tough and determined detective, and Maura Isles, a medical examiner, as they hunt down a serial killer who is dubbed 'The Surgeon'.
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The Apprentice
The Apprentice is the second book in the Rizzoli & Isles series and it's a must-read for fans of the series. In this book, Rizzoli and Isles are on the trail of a serial killer who is recreating the murders from the teachings of an infamous 16th-century surgeon.
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The Sinner
In The Sinner, Rizzoli and Isles are faced with a gruesome crime scene: a woman is found dead in her home, her body covered in ritualistic cuts. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a dark and twisted world of obsession and murder.
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Body Double
Body Double is a standalone novel by Tess Gerritsen that fans of Rizzoli & Isles will enjoy. The book follows the story of a woman who wakes up in a strange place with no memory of how she got there, and soon discovers that she is the prime suspect in a murder investigation.
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The Silent Girl
The Silent Girl is the seventh book in the Rizzoli & Isles series and it's a gripping tale of murder, revenge, and family secrets. When a Chinese woman is found dead, her tongue cut out, Rizzoli and Isles must navigate the world of Chinatown gangs and ancient traditions to solve the case.
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The Keepsake
The Keepsake is the eighth book in the Rizzoli & Isles series and it's a chilling story of a serial killer who is obsessed with collecting mementos from his victims. Rizzoli and Isles must race against time to catch the killer before he strikes again.
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The Bone Garden
The Bone Garden is a standalone novel by Tess Gerritsen that combines elements of medical thriller and historical fiction. The book follows the story of a medical student who discovers a series of murders that are linked to a 19th-century serial killer.
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Vanish is the ninth book in the Rizzoli & Isles series and it's a thrilling tale of kidnapping, human trafficking, and revenge. Rizzoli and Isles must work together to find a missing teenager and uncover the dark secrets of a powerful criminal organization.
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