The Circle Trilogy is a captivating fantasy series by bestselling author Nora Roberts. This enchanting series consists of three books: "Moon Dance," "Heaven and Earth," and "Face the Fire." The story follows the journey of a young woman named Nell Channing, who moves to a small town in Maryland to escape her troubled past. Upon her arrival, she discovers that she is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy and is destined to protect the town from supernatural forces. As Nell embraces her newfound powers and learns to harness her abilities, she forms a tight-knit circle of friends who share her unique gifts. Together, they face a series of challenges and battles against dark forces threatening their world. The series combines elements of romance, mystery, and fantasy, creating an immersive and thrilling reading experience. Roberts' vivid storytelling and character development shine throughout the trilogy, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy and romance alike. The Circle Trilogy is a spellbinding exploration of friendship, love, and the power of destiny...
Karen Marie Moning
The Fever series
For fans of Circle Trilogy who enjoy urban fantasy with a strong female protagonist, the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning is a great choice. The series follows MacKayla Lane as she navigates the dangerous world of fae in Dublin, Ireland. With a mix of action, mystery, and romance, these books will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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The Hollows series
If you're looking for a series with a strong female lead, a richly detailed world, and a mix of urban fantasy, mystery, and romance, the Hollows series by Kim Harrison is a great choice. The series follows Rachel Morgan, a witch and bounty hunter, as she navigates the dangerous world of the Hollows, a parallel universe inhabited by supernatural creatures.
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The Mercy Thompson series
For fans of Circle Trilogy who enjoy urban fantasy with a strong female protagonist, the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs is a great choice. The series follows Mercy Thompson, a shapeshifter and mechanic, as she navigates the dangerous world of werewolves, vampires, and fae in the Tri-Cities area of Washington state.
Learn MoreSeanan McGuire
The October Daye series
If you're looking for a series with a strong female lead, a richly detailed world, and a mix of urban fantasy, mystery, and romance, the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire is a great choice. The series follows October Daye, a changeling and knight, as she navigates the dangerous world of fae in San Francisco.
Learn MoreJeaniene Frost
The Night Huntress series
If you're a fan of Circle Trilogy and enjoy urban fantasy with a strong female protagonist, the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost is a great choice. The series follows Cat Crawfield, a half-vampire and half-human, as she navigates the dangerous world of vampires and hunters in the modern world.
Learn MoreFaith Hunter
The Jane Yellowrock series
If you're a fan of Circle Trilogy and enjoy urban fantasy with a strong female protagonist, the Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter is a great choice. The series follows Jane Yellowrock, a skinwalker and vampire hunter, as she navigates the dangerous world of vampires and other supernatural creatures in the modern world.
Learn MoreJ.R. Ward
The Black Dagger Brotherhood series
If you're a fan of Circle Trilogy and enjoy paranormal romance, the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward is a great choice. The series follows the members of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a group of vampire warriors, as they navigate the dangerous world of vampires and humans in the modern world.
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