Discover books similar to "Protector of the Small" series

Protector of the Small series cover

Tamora Pierce

"Protector of the Small" series


"Protector of the Small" is a captivating young adult fantasy series by renowned author Tamora Pierce. Set in the fictional kingdom of Tortall, the series follows the journey of Keladry of Mindelan, known as Kel, as she trains to become a knight and protector of the realm. The first book, "First Test," introduces Kel as the first female page in Tortall's history. Kel faces skepticism and adversity from her peers and superiors, but her determination and skills eventually earn her respect. In "Page," Kel continues her training, learning valuable lessons about leadership, diplomacy, and the importance of self-belief. "Squire" sees Kel taking on a new role as a squire to the legendary knight, Lord Raoul. Kel hones her fighting skills and navigates complex political dynamics while preparing for her final test to become a knight. The series culminates in "Lady Knight," where Kel, now a fully-fledged knight, faces her greatest challenge yet as she protects Tortall from external threats and internal strife. Throughout the series, Pierce masterfully explores themes of gender equality, perseverance, and the complexities of power. The series is a must-read for fans of fantasy, adventure, and strong female protagonists...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Protector of the Small" series:

Alanna: The First Adventure cover

Tamora Pierce

Alanna: The First Adventure

If you enjoyed the strong female protagonist in 'Protector of the Small', you'll love Alanna, the first book in the Song of the Lioness series. Alanna disguises herself as a boy to train as a knight, facing numerous challenges and prejudices along the way.

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The Blue Sword cover

Robin McKinley

The Blue Sword

Fans of fantasy and strong female leads will enjoy 'The Blue Sword'. Harry Crewe, a young woman, is drawn into a world of magic and danger, where she must learn to wield the legendary Blue Sword and defend her new home.

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Graceling cover

Kristin Cashore


In 'Graceling', Katsa, a skilled fighter with a special ability, becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and danger. This book features a complex plot, well-developed characters, and a strong female protagonist.

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The Girl of Fire and Thorns cover

Rae Carson

The Girl of Fire and Thorns

'The Girl of Fire and Thorns' features a young princess with a powerful destiny. Elisa must navigate political intrigue, dangerous journeys, and her own self-doubt to fulfill her role in saving her kingdom.

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Daughter of the Forest cover

Juliet Marillier

Daughter of the Forest

'Daughter of the Forest' is a retelling of the Six Swans fairy tale, with a strong female protagonist who must use her intelligence and determination to break a curse and save her brothers. This book features rich world-building and a complex plot.

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The Hero and the Crown cover

Robin McKinley

The Hero and the Crown

'The Hero and the Crown' features a young princess who must prove herself as a warrior and dragon-slayer. This book is a classic of fantasy literature and features a strong female protagonist who must overcome numerous challenges.

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Sabriel cover

Garth Nix


'Sabriel' is a dark fantasy novel featuring a strong female protagonist who must navigate a world of magic and danger to save her father. This book features a complex plot, well-developed characters, and a unique magical system.

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Throne of Jade cover

Naomi Novik

Throne of Jade

'Throne of Jade' is the second book in the Temeraire series, featuring a young female protagonist who must navigate the dangerous world of dragon politics and warfare. This book features a unique blend of historical fiction and fantasy.

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The Winner's Curse cover

Marie Rutkoski

The Winner's Curse

'The Winner's Curse' is a romantic fantasy novel featuring a strong female protagonist who must navigate the dangerous world of politics and warfare. This book features a complex plot, well-developed characters, and a unique magical system.

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The Priory of the Orange Tree cover

Samantha Shannon

The Priory of the Orange Tree

Fans of epic fantasy and strong female leads will enjoy 'The Priory of the Orange Tree'. This book features a complex plot, well-developed characters, and a richly imagined world. The story follows several female protagonists as they navigate political intrigue, dangerous journeys, and their own destinies.

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