The Rocky Pelligrino series by Jacqueline Sheehan follows the captivating story of a young girl named Rocky, who discovers her innate strength and resilience as she navigates the challenges of growing up in a small coastal town. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque New England coastline, the series explores themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery. Rocky, a curious and adventurous 13-year-old, finds solace in her vivid imagination and her tight-knit group of friends. As she faces adversity, including the loss of a loved one and the struggles of adolescence, Rocky learns to rely on her inner wisdom and resourcefulness. Author Jacqueline Sheehan masterfully weaves together a heartwarming tale that resonates with both young readers and adults alike. Her evocative storytelling and richly developed characters create an immersive world that captivates and inspires. The Rocky Pelligrino series is a must-read for anyone seeking a touching and uplifting coming-of-age story that celebrates the power of friendship, family, and the human spirit...
Vanessa Diffenbaugh
The Language of Flowers
This book is a great choice for Rocky Pelligrino fans as it shares the same strong female protagonist and themes of resilience and self-discovery. The Language of Flowers follows the story of Victoria, a young woman who has spent her entire life in the foster-care system and has trouble connecting with others. She discovers the Victorian language of flowers and uses this gift to express herself and change her life.
Learn MoreM.L. Stedman
The Light Between Oceans
Fans of Rocky Pelligrino will enjoy this emotional and thought-provoking novel about love, loss, and morality. The Light Between Oceans tells the story of Tom and Isabel, a lighthouse keeper and his wife who live off the coast of Western Australia. When a baby washes ashore on their island, they make a decision that will change their lives forever. This book explores the complexities of human relationships and the consequences of our actions.
Learn MoreSue Monk Kidd
The Secret Life of Bees
This novel is a great choice for those who enjoyed the strong female characters and themes of self-discovery in Rocky Pelligrino. The Secret Life of Bees follows the story of Lily, a 14-year-old girl who runs away from her abusive father and finds solace with three beekeeping sisters in South Carolina. Through her journey, Lily learns about the power of friendship, family, and forgiveness.
Learn MoreKathryn Stockett
The Help
Fans of Rocky Pelligrino will enjoy this powerful and thought-provoking novel about race, class, and friendship in the 1960s American South. The Help follows the story of Aibileen, a black maid working in a white family's home, and Skeeter, a young white woman who wants to tell the stories of the black maids who have worked for her family and others in their town. This book explores the complex relationships between black and white women in a time of social change.
Learn MoreKristin Hannah
The Nightingale
This historical novel is a great choice for those who enjoyed the strong female characters and themes of resilience in Rocky Pelligrino. The Nightingale follows the story of two sisters in France during World War II, who must navigate the dangers of the war and make difficult choices to survive. This book explores the power of sisterhood, courage, and the human spirit in the face of adversity.
Learn MoreChristina Baker Kline
The Orphan Train
Fans of Rocky Pelligrino will enjoy this historical novel about the orphan trains that transported thousands of children from the East Coast to the Midwest in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Orphan Train follows the story of Vivian, an elderly woman who was once an orphan train rider, and Molly, a troubled teenager who is in foster care. Through their friendship, they discover the power of healing and redemption.
Learn MoreBarbara Kingsolver
The Poisonwood Bible
This novel is a great choice for those who enjoyed the vivid settings and complex characters in Rocky Pelligrino. The Poisonwood Bible follows the story of the Price family, who move to the Belgian Congo in 1959 to spread the word of God. Through the voices of the wife and daughters, this book explores the clash of cultures, the devastating effects of colonialism, and the power of family bonds.
Learn MoreGraeme Simsion
The Rosie Project
Fans of Rocky Pelligrino will enjoy this quirky and heartwarming novel about a socially awkward genetics professor who devises a scientific survey to find the perfect wife. When he meets Rosie, a wild and unpredictable woman who doesn't fit his criteria, he must reevaluate his assumptions about love and relationships. This book explores the power of embracing our differences and the unexpected joys of falling in love.
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