The Saxon Stories is a captivating historical fiction series by Bernard Cornwell, comprising over ten novels. The series follows the life of Uhtred of Bebbanburg, a fictional character who is born into an Anglo-Saxon family but is raised by Danish Vikings after a series of tragic events. The narrative is set in the late ninth and early tenth centuries, a time of great political and social change in England. The series explores the complex relationships between the Anglo-Saxons, Danes, and other groups vying for power in this period. Uhtred, torn between his Anglo-Saxon heritage and his Danish upbringing, becomes a central figure in the battles and political intrigues of the time. Cornwell masterfully combines historical facts with engaging storytelling, creating a vivid and immersive picture of the period. The series is rich in historical detail, providing insights into the daily lives, customs, and beliefs of the people living in this era. The Saxon Stories is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and those interested in the Viking and Anglo-Saxon periods. The series has been adapted into a successful TV show, "The Last Kingdom," which further attests to its captivating storytelling and historical depth. The Saxon Stories offers an exciting and educational journey through a pivotal period in English history...
Bernard Cornwell
The Pale Horseman
The second book in 'The Saxon Stories' series, 'The Pale Horseman' continues the story of Uhtred of Bebbanburg as he fights to reclaim his ancestral home and help Alfred the Great defend his kingdom from the Danes. This book is a must-read for fans of the series who can't get enough of Cornwell's gripping storytelling and historical detail.
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Sword Song
In 'Sword Song', Uhtred of Bebbanburg must navigate the treacherous world of 10th century England as he fights to reclaim his ancestral home and help Alfred the Great's successor defend the kingdom from the Danes. This book is full of action, adventure, and historical intrigue, making it a great choice for fans of 'The Saxon Stories'.
Learn MoreBernard Cornwell
The Burning Land
In 'The Burning Land', Uhtred of Bebbanburg finds himself caught in the middle of a power struggle between the Saxons and the Danes as he fights to reclaim his ancestral home and protect the people he loves. This book is full of action, adventure, and historical intrigue, making it a great choice for fans of 'The Saxon Stories'.
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