The Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian is a captivating paranormal romance collection that follows the lives of the members of the "Breed," an ancient race of vampires coexisting with humans. The series begins with "Kiss of Midnight," introducing readers to the enigmatic leader of the Breed, Lucan Thorne, and his tumultuous relationship with the human scientist, Gabrielle Maxwell. As the series progresses, readers are immersed in a richly detailed world where the Breed faces both internal and external conflicts. Themes of love, loyalty, and redemption are explored as each book focuses on a different Breed member and their journey to find their destined mate. Adrian's storytelling seamlessly blends elements of action, suspense, and romance, creating a gripping narrative that keeps readers invested in the characters and their intertwining stories. The series delves into the complexities of the Breed's society, their origins, and their struggle to maintain their secrecy in a rapidly changing world. The Midnight Breed series is a must-read for fans of paranormal romance and urban fantasy, offering a fresh take on the vampire genre with intriguing characters, thrilling plotlines, and a well-crafted universe...
Benedict Jacka
The Alex Verus series
If you enjoy urban fantasy and a blend of action and adventure, you'll love the Alex Verus series. The books follow Alex Verus, a diviner and mage, as he navigates the supernatural world and his own complicated past.
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The Black Dagger Brotherhood series
If you enjoy the dark, paranormal romance and action-packed storylines in Midnight Breed, you'll love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. This series follows a group of vampire warriors as they protect their species and find love along the way.
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The Night Huntress series
If you enjoy strong, female protagonists and a blend of paranormal romance and action, you'll love the Night Huntress series. The books follow Cat Crawfield, a half-vampire, half-human who hunts vampires for a living, and her romance with the vampire Bones.
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The Fever series
If you enjoy urban fantasy and a blend of action and romance, you'll love the Fever series. The books follow MacKayla Lane, a young woman searching for her sister's killer in a world filled with fae and other supernatural beings.
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The Mercy Thompson series
If you enjoy urban fantasy and a blend of action and romance, you'll love the Mercy Thompson series. The books follow Mercy Thompson, a shape-shifter and mechanic, as she navigates the supernatural world and her own complicated love life.
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The Hollows series
If you enjoy urban fantasy and a blend of action and romance, you'll love the Hollows series. The books follow Rachel Morgan, a bounty hunter and witch, as she navigates the supernatural world and her own complicated love life.
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