The Inspector Lynley series, penned by Elizabeth George, is a captivating collection of crime fiction novels. The series features the main characters Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley and his partner Sergeant Barbara Havers, who work together to solve intricate and gripping murder mysteries. Set in England, the stories delve into the complexities of British society, exploring themes of class, privilege, and justice. George's masterful storytelling combines intricate plots, character development, and vivid settings to create a riveting and engaging reading experience. The series offers a thought-provoking and suspenseful escape for fans of the crime fiction genre...
Alan Bradley
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
Flavia de Luce, a young amateur sleuth with a passion for chemistry, gets involved in a murder investigation when a stranger is found dead in her family's garden. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a unique protagonist.
Learn MoreAnn Cleeves
The Crow Trap
Three women are brought together to conduct an environmental survey in a remote area of Northumberland, but when one of them is found dead, it's up to Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope to solve the case. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a strong female lead, a vividly drawn setting, and a complex mystery.
Learn MoreTess Gerritsen
The Silent Girl
Boston detective Jane Rizzoli investigates a murder that leads her to the city's Chinatown and a dark secret. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a strong female lead.
Learn MoreDorothy L. Sayers
Gaudy Night
Harriet Vane returns to her alma mater to investigate a series of poison pen letters and other disturbing events. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a strong female lead, a vividly drawn setting, and a complex mystery.
Learn MoreAlex Grecian
The Yard
In the aftermath of Jack the Ripper's reign of terror, a new detective, Walter Day, is brought in to lead the Murder Squad in London. But when a series of gruesome murders begins, Day and his team must race against time to catch the killer. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a strong ensemble cast.
Learn MoreMichael Connelly
The Black Echo
LAPD detective Harry Bosch investigates the murder of a fellow veteran who was working as a bank robber. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a strong male lead.
Learn MoreElly Griffiths
The Crossing Places
Forensic archaeologist Ruth Galloway is called in to investigate when human remains are found on a nearby beach. But when another body turns up, Galloway realizes that she's dealing with a serial killer. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a strong female lead, a vividly drawn setting, and a complex mystery.
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The Dry
Federal Agent Aaron Falk returns to his drought-stricken hometown to attend the funeral of a childhood friend, but when he learns that the friend's death may not have been a suicide, Falk is drawn into the investigation. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a strong male lead.
Learn MoreFiona Barton
The Widow
When a man is murdered, the police turn to his wife for answers, but she's not talking. As the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that the widow knows more than she's letting on. This book is a great choice for Inspector Lynley fans as it features a complex and engaging mystery, a vividly drawn setting, and a strong female lead.
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