Discover books similar to "Private" series

Private series cover

Kate Brian

"Private" series


The "Private" series by Kate Brian is a captivating young adult fiction collection centered around the prestigious boarding school, Easton Academy. The story follows the protagonist, Reed Brennan, as she navigates the challenges of adolescence, friendship, and the pursuit of popularity. After being accepted into the elite group known as the Billings Girls, Reed becomes entangled in a web of secrets, mysteries, and danger. The series explores themes of power, betrayal, and identity, as Reed and her friends confront the darker side of their privileged world. With each book filled with suspense, intrigue, and unexpected twists, the "Private" series offers a thrilling and engaging reading experience for fans of mystery and drama...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Private" series:

Pretty Little Liars cover

Sara Shepard

Pretty Little Liars

If you enjoyed the 'Private' series by Kate Brian, you might like 'Pretty Little Liars' by Sara Shepard. This series follows the lives of four friends who are being tormented by an anonymous person who knows all their secrets. The story is full of mystery, drama, and suspense, much like the 'Private' series.

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The It Girl cover

Cecily von Ziegesar

The It Girl

If you liked the 'Private' series for its boarding school setting and the scandals that come with it, you'll enjoy 'The It Girl' by Cecily von Ziegesar. This series follows the life of a girl named Jenny Humphrey as she navigates the social hierarchy of a prestigious boarding school. The series is full of drama, romance, and betrayal.

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The Clique cover

Lisi Harrison

The Clique

If you're looking for a series that's similar to 'Private' in terms of the social dynamics of a group of girls, you'll enjoy 'The Clique' by Lisi Harrison. This series follows the lives of a group of popular girls in a wealthy California town and the drama that ensues when a new girl arrives. The series is full of fashion, friendship, and betrayal.

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The A-List cover

Zoey Dean

The A-List

Fans of the 'Private' series will enjoy 'The A-List' by Zoey Dean. This series follows the lives of a group of friends in Los Angeles as they navigate the world of Hollywood and the drama that comes with it. The series is full of glamour, scandal, and high-stakes social politics.

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The Luxe cover

Anna Godbersen

The Luxe

If you liked the 'Private' series for its historical setting and the scandals that come with it, you'll enjoy 'The Luxe' by Anna Godbersen. This series is set in New York City in the 1890s and follows the lives of a group of wealthy young socialites and the drama that ensues when a shocking secret is revealed. The series is full of fashion, romance, and betrayal.

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The Nanny Diaries cover

Emma McLaughlin

The Nanny Diaries

If you liked the 'Private' series for its portrayal of the lives of the wealthy and powerful, you'll enjoy 'The Nanny Diaries' by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus. This novel follows the life of a young woman who becomes a nanny for a wealthy family on the Upper East Side of New York City. The novel is full of satire, drama, and social commentary.

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The Devil Wears Prada cover

Lauren Weisberger

The Devil Wears Prada

If you liked the 'Private' series for its portrayal of the lives of the wealthy and powerful, you'll enjoy 'The Devil Wears Prada' by Lauren Weisberger. This novel follows the life of a young woman who becomes the assistant to a powerful editor of a fashion magazine. The novel is full of fashion, drama, and high-stakes office politics.

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The Princess Diaries cover

Meg Cabot

The Princess Diaries

If you liked the 'Private' series for its portrayal of the lives of the wealthy and powerful, you'll enjoy 'The Princess Diaries' by Meg Cabot. This series follows the life of a girl named Mia who discovers she is the princess of a small European country and must navigate the world of royalty. The series is full of romance, comedy, and drama.

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The Au Pairs cover

Melissa de la Cruz

The Au Pairs

If you liked the 'Private' series for its portrayal of the lives of the wealthy and powerful, you'll enjoy 'The Au Pairs' by Melissa de la Cruz. This series follows the lives of four young women who become au pairs for a wealthy family in the Hamptons and the drama that ensues. The series is full of fashion, romance, and high-stakes social politics.

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