Discover books similar to "Misty" series

Misty series cover

Marguerite Henry

"Misty" series


The Misty series, penned by Marguerite Henry, is a captivating collection of horse-themed novels. The series centers around the life and adventures of a spirited and intelligent mare named Misty, who resides on the island of Chincoteague off the coast of Virginia. The stories in the Misty series are inspired by real-life events and characters, providing a unique blend of fact and fiction. Readers will be enchanted by the tales of Misty's early life on Assateague Island, her daring rescue from a storm, and her journey to become a beloved member of the Beebe family. Marguerite Henry's vivid and engaging storytelling style brings the characters and the island landscapes to life, immersing the reader in the heartwarming and sometimes heart-wrenching experiences of Misty and her human companions. The series teaches valuable lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the importance of cherishing the natural world. The Misty series is an excellent choice for young readers who love animals, adventure, and heartfelt stories. This collection of novels is sure to inspire a love for reading and a deeper appreciation for the remarkable bond between humans and animals...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Misty" series:

Black Beauty cover

Anna Sewell

Black Beauty

Just like 'Misty' by Marguerite Henry, 'Black Beauty' is a classic horse story that tugs at the heartstrings. Narrated by the horse himself, this book follows Black Beauty's life from a happy youth to a difficult adulthood, and the lessons he learns along the way.

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King of the Wind cover

Marguerite Henry

King of the Wind

Another great book by the author of 'Misty', 'King of the Wind' tells the story of the Godolphin Arabian, one of the founding stallions of the Thoroughbred horse. This book is full of adventure, history, and the special bond between horses and humans.

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Smoky the Cowhorse cover

Will James

Smoky the Cowhorse

Like 'Misty', 'Smoky the Cowhorse' is a Newbery Medal-winning book that tells the story of a horse from his point of view. This book follows Smoky's life from his wild youth to his training as a cowhorse, and his eventual rescue from a cruel owner.

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Misty of Chincoteague cover

Marguerite Henry

Misty of Chincoteague

While 'Misty' is the sequel to 'Misty of Chincoteague', reading this book will give you a deeper appreciation for the world of the wild horses of Chincoteague and the people who love them. Follow the story of Paul and Maureen Beebe as they try to buy and tame the elusive Phantom.

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The Incredible Journey cover

Sheila Burnford

The Incredible Journey

If you loved the adventure and the bond between humans and animals in 'Misty', you'll enjoy 'The Incredible Journey' by Sheila Burnford. This book tells the story of three pets - a dog, a cat, and a Siamese cat - who travel 200 miles across the Canadian wilderness to find their owners.

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My Friend Flicka cover

Mary O'Hara

My Friend Flicka

In 'My Friend Flicka', Ken McLaughlin dreams of having a horse of his own, and when he finally gets one, he names her Flicka. This book follows their journey together as Ken learns to train and care for his horse, and the challenges they face along the way.

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The Horse and His Boy cover

C.S. Lewis

The Horse and His Boy

If you're looking for a horse story with a bit of fantasy, 'The Horse and His Boy' by C.S. Lewis is a great choice. This book is part of the Chronicles of Narnia series and follows the story of a talking horse and his boy as they journey across the desert to warn of an impending attack.

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