Discover books similar to "Sea of Trolls" series

Sea of Trolls series cover

Nancy Farmer

"Sea of Trolls" series


The Sea of Trolls series, penned by Nancy Farmer, is a captivating and thrilling adventure that takes readers on a journey through the Viking age. The series follows the young protagonist, Jack, who is kidnapped by berserkers and taken to the land of the trolls. Alongside his sister, Lucy, and a talking raven named Bold Heart, Jack navigates a world filled with mythical creatures, ancient gods, and magical artifacts. Throughout the series, Jack and his companions face numerous challenges and obstacles, forcing them to rely on their courage, wit, and resourcefulness. The series combines elements of historical fiction, fantasy, and adventure, offering readers a rich and immersive experience. Farmer's vivid storytelling and intricate world-building bring the Viking age to life, providing a fascinating backdrop for the characters' adventures. The series explores themes of bravery, loyalty, and the power of knowledge, making it an engaging and thought-provoking read for young audiences. The Sea of Trolls series is a must-read for fans of historical and fantasy fiction, offering a captivating and unforgettable adventure that will leave readers eager for more...

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Sea of Trolls" series:

The Hobbit cover

J.R.R. Tolkien

The Hobbit

Join Bilbo Baggins, the titular hobbit, as he embarks on an unexpected journey with a group of dwarves and the wizard Gandalf. This classic fantasy novel features trolls, elves, goblins, and a dragon, and is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a similar adventure.

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The Girl Who Drank the Moon cover

Kelly Barnhill

The Girl Who Drank the Moon

In this Newbery Medal-winning novel, a young girl named Luna is raised by a witch in the forest, and is unknowingly imbued with magical powers. When she accidentally floods the town with moonlight, she sets off a chain of events that will change the lives of those around her. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong female lead and a touch of magic.

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The Book of Three cover

Lloyd Alexander

The Book of Three

In this first book of the Chronicles of Prydain, Taran, an assistant pig-keeper, dreams of becoming a hero. When he is thrust into an adventure to save the kingdom from the Horned King, he must learn to become a leader and face his fears. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy series with a young protagonist and a richly-imagined world.

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The Lightning Thief cover

Rick Riordan

The Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson is just a normal kid, until he discovers that he's actually the son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. When he's accused of stealing Zeus's lightning bolt, he must embark on a quest to clear his name and prevent a war among the gods. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with mythological elements.

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The Hero and the Crown cover

Robin McKinley

The Hero and the Crown

In this Newbery Medal-winning novel, Aerin, the daughter of the king, must prove herself as a hero in a kingdom where she is seen as an outsider. When she sets out to slay a dragon and claim the mythical hero's crown, she discovers her own inner strength and the power of her heritage. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong female lead.

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The Neverending Story cover

Michael Ende

The Neverending Story

In this classic fantasy novel, Bastian, a lonely boy, discovers a book that tells the story of Fantastica, a land in danger of being destroyed by the Nothing. When he reads aloud, he becomes part of the story and must help the Childlike Empress save her kingdom. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a richly-imagined world and a sense of adventure.

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The Last Battle cover

C.S. Lewis

The Last Battle

In the final book of the Chronicles of Narnia, the land of Narnia is in peril as a false Aslan threatens to take over. A group of children, including Jill and Eustace from the previous books, must band together to save Narnia and restore peace. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy series with a strong sense of morality and adventure.

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The Dark Is Rising cover

Susan Cooper

The Dark Is Rising

In this Newbery Honor-winning novel, Will Stanton discovers that he is the last of the Old Ones, a group of immortals dedicated to fighting the Dark. When the Dark threatens to rise and take over the world, Will must find the six signs of the Light and prevent the apocalypse. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong sense of mythology and adventure.

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The Sword in the Stone cover

T.H. White

The Sword in the Stone

In this classic fantasy novel, a young boy named Wart becomes the ward of the magician Merlyn and learns the ways of knighthood. When he pulls the sword from the stone and becomes King Arthur, he must learn to rule justly and face the challenges that come with being a king. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong sense of adventure and mythology.

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The Book of Lost Things cover

John Connolly

The Book of Lost Things

In this dark fantasy novel, a young boy named David is grieving the loss of his mother and becomes lost in a world of fairy tales and myths. When he sets out to find his mother, he must face the darkness within himself and the dangers of the world around him. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong sense of adventure and a touch of horror.

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The Perilous Gard cover

Elizabeth Marie Pope

The Perilous Gard

In this Newbery Honor-winning novel, Kate Sutton is sent to live in the isolated Perilous Gard, where she discovers a world of faerie and magic. When she is accused of treason and sentenced to death, she must use her wits and her newfound knowledge of faerie to clear her name and save herself. This book is a great choice for fans of 'Sea of Trolls' who are looking for a fantasy novel with a strong female lead and a sense of adventure.

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