Discover books similar to "A Land Fit for Heroes" series

A Land Fit for Heroes series cover

Richard K. Morgan

"A Land Fit for Heroes" series


A Land Fit for Heroes is a dark fantasy series by Richard K. Morgan, comprised of three books: 'The Steel Remains', 'The Cold Commands', and 'The Dark Defiles'. The series follows a gay, black, ex-soldier named Ringil Eskiath as he battles against a resurgent evil threatening his world.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "A Land Fit for Heroes" series:

The First Law Trilogy cover

Joe Abercrombie

The First Law Trilogy

If you enjoyed the gritty, morally ambiguous world of 'A Land Fit for Heroes', you'll love 'The First Law Trilogy'. This series is filled with complex characters, intricate plotting, and a dark, bloody world that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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The Broken Empire series cover

Mark Lawrence

The Broken Empire series

Fans of 'A Land Fit for Heroes' will appreciate the brutal, unforgiving world of 'The Broken Empire Series'. Follow the story of a ruthless prince who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, no matter the cost.

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The Lies of Locke Lamora cover

Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora

If you enjoyed the intricate plotting and complex characters of 'A Land Fit for Heroes', you'll love 'The Lies of Locke Lamora'. This book follows the story of a group of con artists as they navigate the criminal underworld of a fantastical city.

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The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence cover

Scott Lynch

The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence

This is the series that contains 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' and is a must-read for fans of 'A Land Fit for Heroes'. It features a richly detailed world, complex characters, and a gripping, unpredictable plot.

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The Blade Itself cover

Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself

The first book in 'The First Law Trilogy' and a great choice for fans of 'A Land Fit for Heroes'. It features a gritty, morally ambiguous world, complex characters, and a fast-paced, action-packed plot.

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The Heroes cover

Joe Abercrombie

The Heroes

This is the third book in 'The First Law Trilogy' and a great choice for fans of 'A Land Fit for Heroes'. It features a brutal, unforgiving world, complex characters, and a gripping, action-packed plot.

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The Steel Remains cover

Richard K. Morgan

The Steel Remains

If you enjoyed the dark, gritty world of 'A Land Fit for Heroes', you'll love 'The Steel Remains'. This book is written by the same author and features a similar world, complex characters, and a gripping, action-packed plot.

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The Cold Commands cover

Richard K. Morgan

The Cold Commands

The second book in 'A Land Fit for Heroes' series and a must-read for fans of the first book. It features a gritty, morally ambiguous world, complex characters, and a fast-paced, action-packed plot.

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