The Empire Trilogy is an epic fantasy series set in the world of Midkemia. The series follows the story of a young noble who must navigate the treacherous world of politics and warfare as he seeks to defend his homeland against a powerful and malevolent enemy.
Brandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive
Fans of epic fantasy with a complex magic system and a focus on military strategy will enjoy this series.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Gentlemen Bastards
Fans of political intrigue, heists, and a well-developed cast of characters will enjoy this series, reminiscent of The Empire Trilogy.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Lies of Locke Lamora
For those who enjoyed the heists and political intrigue in The Empire Trilogy, this series is a great choice.
Learn MoreTerry Goodkind
The Sword of Truth
Fans of epic fantasy with political intrigue and a well-developed magic system will enjoy this series, reminiscent of Feist's Empire Trilogy.
Learn MoreRaymond E. Feist
Magician: Apprentice
If you enjoyed the coming-of-age story of Pug in The Empire Trilogy, you'll love this prequel that introduces us to a young Pug and his early adventures.
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