Discover books similar to "Riverside" series

Riverside series cover

Ellen Kushner

"Riverside" series


Set in the fictional city of Riverside, this series follows the lives of its residents, including the young nobleman Richard St. Vier, a skilled swordsman, and his lover Alec. The series explores themes of love, identity, and the complexities of social class in a fantastical setting.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Riverside" series:

The Lies of Locke Lamora cover

Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora

Fans of the swashbuckling adventure and witty banter in the Riverside series will enjoy this standalone novel. The Lies of Locke Lamora follows a group of thieves who plan to pull off the biggest heist of their lives, but find themselves caught up in a larger conspiracy.

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Thomas the Rhymer cover

Ellen Kushner

Thomas the Rhymer

If you loved the mythical and magical elements in the Riverside series, you'll enjoy this standalone novel by Ellen Kushner. Thomas the Rhymer is a retelling of a classic Scottish ballad, weaving together elements of myth, folklore, and history in a rich and captivating tale.

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The Privilege of the Sword cover

Ellen Kushner

The Privilege of the Sword

This is the direct sequel to Kushner's 'Swordspoint', set in the same world as the Riverside series. The novel follows a young woman who is sent to live with her uncle, a famous fencing master, and learns to navigate the complex and dangerous world of the nobility.

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Swordspoint cover

Ellen Kushner


If you loved the political intrigue and swordplay in the Riverside series, you'll enjoy this standalone novel set in the same world. Swordspoint is a thrilling and witty tale of swordsmen, nobles, and the power struggles that define their world.

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The Goblin Emperor cover

Katherine Addison

The Goblin Emperor

Fans of the political intrigue and courtly drama in the Riverside series will enjoy this standalone novel. The Goblin Emperor follows a half-goblin prince who unexpectedly becomes emperor and must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics and power struggles.

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The City & the City cover

China Miéville

The City & the City

If you loved the complex and intricate world-building in the Riverside series, you'll enjoy this standalone novel. The City & The City is a mind-bending and thought-provoking tale of two cities that exist in the same physical space but are completely separate and must be navigated with care.

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The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms cover

N.K. Jemisin

The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

Fans of the political intrigue and mythical elements in the Riverside series will enjoy this standalone novel. The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms is a thrilling and captivating tale of a young woman who finds herself at the center of a power struggle between the gods themselves.

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The Darkest Part of the Forest cover

Holly Black

The Darkest Part of the Forest

If you loved the supernatural elements and coming-of-age themes in the Riverside series, you'll enjoy this standalone novel. The Darkest Part of the Forest is a haunting and enchanting tale of a small town with a dark secret and the young people who must confront it.

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The Broken Sword cover

Poul Anderson

The Broken Sword

Fans of the mythical and historical elements in the Riverside series will enjoy this standalone novel. The Broken Sword is a sweeping and epic tale of a legendary sword, a Viking warrior, and the supernatural forces that threaten to destroy them both.

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The Curse of Chalion cover

Lois McMaster Bujold

The Curse of Chalion

If you loved the political intrigue and supernatural elements in the Riverside series, you'll enjoy this standalone novel. The Curse of Chalion is a gripping and suspenseful tale of a nobleman who becomes embroiled in a dangerous conspiracy and must use all his wits and courage to survive.

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