This series explores the early life of Han Solo, the beloved Star Wars character. The books delve into Han's backstory, following his journey from a young, reckless smuggler to a hero of the Rebel Alliance. Fans of the Star Wars universe will enjoy this deep dive into Han's formative years.
James Luceno
Labyrinth of Evil
This book is set in the days leading up to the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith and follows Obi-Wan and Anakin as they try to track down the mysterious figure behind a series of terrorist attacks. This book is a great choice for fans of the Han Solo trilogy because it provides a deeper understanding of the events leading up to the rise of the Empire and the fall of the Jedi.
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Heir to the Empire
This book is the first in the Thrawn trilogy, which takes place after the events of the original Star Wars trilogy. It follows Han, Luke, and Leia as they try to rebuild the galaxy and face a new threat from the Empire. This book is a great choice for fans of the Han Solo trilogy because it features Han as a main character and continues the Star Wars story in a thrilling and action-packed way.
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The Empire Strikes Back
This book is a novelization of the second Star Wars film, which sees Han, Luke, and Leia on the run from the Empire after the events of the first film. This book is a great choice for fans of the Han Solo trilogy because it allows readers to experience the events of the film from Han's perspective and see his character development in a more in-depth way.
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