This series follows the Amish community of Lancaster County, with a particular focus on Annie Zook, a young woman who is struggling to find her place in the world. With its richly detailed portrayal of Amish life and thought-provoking themes, this series is a must-read for fans of inspirational fiction.
Beverly Lewis
The Shunning
If you enjoyed 'Annie's People' series, you might like 'The Shunning' by Beverly Lewis. This book tells the story of Katie Lapp, a young Amish woman who discovers a secret about her past that shakes her faith in her community and her way of life. Like 'Annie's People', 'The Shunning' explores themes of family, community, and the struggle between tradition and change in the Amish world.
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The Brethren
Another great choice for fans of 'Annie's People' is 'The Brethren' by Beverly Lewis. This book follows the story of Linden, a young woman who leaves her Amish community to pursue a career in nursing. When she returns home to help her sister after a tragic accident, Linden must confront the choices she has made and the consequences they have had on her relationships with her family and community. Like 'Annie's People', 'The Brethren' explores themes of family, community, and the challenges of living in two worlds.
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The Sacrifice
For those who enjoyed the themes of love, family, and community in 'Annie's People', 'The Sacrifice' by Beverly Lewis is a great choice. This book tells the story of Hannah, a young Amish woman who falls in love with an Englischer, or outsider. As Hannah struggles to reconcile her love for her community and her love for her husband, she must make a difficult sacrifice. Like 'Annie's People', 'The Sacrifice' explores the complexities of love and the importance of family and community in Amish life.
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