This dark and suspenseful Star Wars trilogy explores the origins of the iconic villain, Darth Vader. Through political intrigue, epic battles, and complex character development, Luceno delves into the psyche of one of the most famous villains in literature.
James Luceno
Labyrinth of Evil
Set just before the events of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Labyrinth of Evil follows Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker as they hunt down the mysterious figure behind the Separatist droid army, General Grievous. This novel serves as a bridge between the Star Wars: The Dark Lord Trilogy and the prequel films.
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The Han Solo Trilogy
This series of novels follows the early life of the beloved Star Wars character Han Solo, from his humble beginnings to his time as a smuggler and his eventual involvement with the Rebel Alliance. While not directly related to the Star Wars: The Dark Lord Trilogy, the Han Solo Trilogy offers a captivating look into the Star Wars universe and the characters that inhabit it.
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