The Boxcar Children is a series of children's books written by Gertrude Chandler Warner. The series follows the adventures of four orphaned siblings who live in a boxcar and have a variety of adventures. With its engaging characters and exciting plots, the Boxcar Children series is a classic of children's literature and a must-read for kids and adults alike.
Jeanne Birdsall
The Penderwicks
If you enjoyed the family dynamics and heartwarming stories in The Boxcar Children, you'll love The Penderwicks series. This series follows the adventures of four sisters and their father as they spend their summer at a cottage in the countryside.
Learn MoreElizabeth Enright
The Saturdays
If you enjoyed the independence and resourcefulness of the Alden children in The Boxcar Children, you'll love The Saturdays series. This series follows four siblings who pool their allowances together to have a
Learn MoreTrenton Lee Stewart
The Mysterious Benedict Society
For fans of The Boxcar Children who are looking for a new mystery to solve, The Mysterious Benedict Society series is a great choice. This series follows four children with special talents who are recruited to solve a series of puzzles and save the world from destruction.
Learn MoreJohn D. Fitzgerald
The Great Brain
If you enjoyed the humor and mischief in The Boxcar Children, you'll love The Great Brain series. This series follows a boy with a knack for getting into trouble and his adventures in a small town in the late 1800s.
Learn MoreC.S. Lewis
The Chronicles of Narnia
If you enjoyed the fantasy and adventure in The Boxcar Children, you'll love The Chronicles of Narnia series. This series follows a group of children who discover a magical world filled with talking animals, mythical creatures, and epic battles.
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