NUMA Files is a thriller series written by Clive Cussler and Paul Kemprecos. The series follows Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala, two members of the National Underwater and Marine Agency, as they investigate and solve underwater mysteries and battle enemies. With high-stakes action, intricate plots, and a touch of humor, the series offers a thrilling ride for adventure fans.
Jack Du Brul
The Medusa Stone
A fantastic choice for fans of 'NUMA Files', 'The Medusa Stone' by Jack Du Brul features non-stop action, intricate plots, and thrilling underwater scenes. The story revolves around a geologist who stumbles upon an ancient artifact that unleashes a deadly curse and puts the world at risk.
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The Amber Room
Lovers of 'NUMA Files' will appreciate Steve Berry's 'The Amber Room', a historical thriller filled with action, adventure, and mystery. The novel follows an American art historian and a Russian detective as they race to find the legendary Amber Room, a priceless treasure lost during World War II.
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The Da Vinci Code
If you're captivated by the blend of history, suspense, and action in 'NUMA Files', you'll love 'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown. This bestseller takes readers on a thrilling journey through Europe as they uncover a centuries-old secret protected by a secret society.
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The Andromeda Strain
Fans of 'NUMA Files' who enjoy the scientific and technological elements of the series will appreciate 'The Andromeda Strain' by Michael Crichton. This classic thriller combines science fiction and suspense as a team of scientists races to contain a deadly extraterrestrial organism.
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