Discover books similar to "Frank Balenger" series

Frank Balenger series cover

David Morrell

"Frank Balenger" series


This thrilling series by David Morrell follows the protagonist Frank Balenger, a former college professor turned relentless pursuer of justice. After his family is tragically killed, Balenger dedicates his life to tracking down and eliminating the dangerous criminals that plague society. With a blend of action, suspense, and intricate storytelling, the Frank Balenger series is a must-read for fans of crime and thriller novels.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Frank Balenger" series:

The Poet cover

Michael Connelly

The Poet

For readers who enjoy the intricate plotting and atmospheric settings of the Frank Balenger series, 'The Poet' by Michael Connelly is a great choice. This crime novel follows the story of a serial killer who leaves poems at his crime scenes, and the journalist who becomes obsessed with finding him. The intense, cat-and-mouse chase between the two main characters will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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The Silence of the Lambs cover

Thomas Harris

The Silence of the Lambs

Fans of Frank Balenger series will appreciate the psychological depth and suspenseful pacing of 'The Silence of the Lambs' by Thomas Harris. This crime novel follows the story of a young FBI agent who seeks the help of the infamous serial killer Hannibal Lecter to catch another serial killer, known as Buffalo Bill. The intense, psychological battle between the two killers and the young agent will keep you hooked.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo cover

Stieg Larsson

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

If you're a fan of the complex characters and intricate plots of the Frank Balenger series, you'll enjoy 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' by Stieg Larsson. This crime novel follows the story of a journalist and a computer hacker who team up to solve a decades-old mystery involving a wealthy family. The dark, atmospheric setting and the complex, morally ambiguous characters will keep you engaged.

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The Da Vinci Code cover

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code

For readers who enjoy the historical and art-related themes in the Frank Balenger series, 'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown is a great choice. This crime novel follows the story of a symbologist who becomes embroiled in a deadly conspiracy involving the Catholic Church and the Holy Grail. The intense, fast-paced plot and the rich, historical details will keep you entertained.

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In the Woods cover

Tana French

In the Woods

If you're a fan of the atmospheric settings and complex characters of the Frank Balenger series, you'll enjoy 'In the Woods' by Tana French. This crime novel follows the story of a detective who is called to investigate a murder in a small Irish town, only to discover that the case has personal connections to his own past. The intense, psychological pacing and the rich, atmospheric setting will keep you engaged.

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The Bone Collector cover

Jeffery Deaver

The Bone Collector

For readers who enjoy the intense, cat-and-mouse chases in the Frank Balenger series, 'The Bone Collector' by Jeffery Deaver is a great choice. This crime novel follows the story of a quadriplegic detective who uses his extraordinary intellect to catch a serial killer who leaves cryptic clues at his crime scenes. The intense, suspenseful pacing and the intricate, twisting plot will keep you on the edge of your seat.

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The Chemist cover

Stephenie Meyer

The Chemist

If you're a fan of the intense, action-packed plots and morally ambiguous characters in the Frank Balenger series, you'll enjoy 'The Chemist' by Stephenie Meyer. This thriller novel follows the story of a former government agent who is forced to go on the run from her former employers. She uses her extensive knowledge of chemistry to stay one step ahead of them, while also trying to clear her name. The intense, fast-paced plot and the complex, morally ambiguous protagonist will keep you engaged.

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The Expats cover

Chris Pavone

The Expats

For readers who enjoy the international settings and complex, layered plots of the Frank Balenger series, 'The Expats' by Chris Pavone is a great choice. This spy novel follows the story of a former CIA agent who moves to Europe with her family, only to discover that her past is catching up with her. The intense, psychological pacing and the rich, international setting will keep you engaged.

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The Good Daughter cover

Karin Slaughter

The Good Daughter

If you're a fan of the intense, psychological depth and suspenseful pacing of the Frank Balenger series, you'll enjoy 'The Good Daughter' by Karin Slaughter. This crime novel follows the story of a lawyer who returns to her hometown to defend her father, who is accused of murder. The intense, psychological battle between the two main characters and the dark, atmospheric setting will keep you hooked.

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