Atomic Robo is a series of graphic novels by Brian Clevinger that follows the adventures of Atomic Robo, a sentient robot with a penchant for adventure and a knack for saving the world. With its fast-paced action, witty dialogue, and stunning artwork, the Atomic Robo series is a must-read for fans of science fiction and adventure.
Matt Fraction
The Five Fists of Science
Fans of Atomic Robo's mix of humor and action will enjoy The Five Fists of Science. This graphic novel tells the story of Mark Twain and Nikola Tesla as they team up to fight against evil robots and other scientific monstrosities in an alternate 19th century.
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The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Fans of Atomic Robo's blending of historical and fictional characters will enjoy The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. This comic series brings together a team of Victorian-era literary heroes, including Allan Quatermain, Captain Nemo, and Mina Harker, to fight against supernatural threats.
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