Discover books similar to "Timeline-191" series

Timeline-191 series cover

Harry Turtledove

"Timeline-191" series


Harry Turtledove's Timeline-191 series is an alternate history series that explores what would have happened if the Central Powers had won World War I. Turtledove is known for his meticulous research and attention to detail, making this series a fascinating look at a different historical outcome.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Timeline-191" series:

The Guns of the South cover

Harry Turtledove

The Guns of the South

This book is a good choice for fans of Timeline-191 as it is also written by Harry Turtledove and is part of the Southern Victory series, which shares similar alternate history themes as Timeline-191.

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How Few Remain cover

Harry Turtledove

How Few Remain

This book is the first in the Southern Victory series, and is a great pick for those who want to explore more alternate history scenarios similar to those presented in Timeline-191.

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The Man in the High Castle cover

Philip K. Dick

The Man in the High Castle

A classic alternate history novel where the Axis powers won World War II and the United States is divided into Nazi and Japanese territories.

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The Yiddish Policemen's Union cover

Michael Chabon

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

This book is a great choice for those who want to explore a different alternate history scenario, this time focusing on a world where Jewish refugees established a sovereign state in Sitka, Alaska, in 1941.

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The Plot Against America cover

Philip Roth

The Plot Against America

This book is a great choice for those who want to explore a different alternate history scenario, this time focusing on a world where Charles Lindbergh became president of the United States in 1940 and pursued a policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany.

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The Iron Dream cover

Norman Spinrad

The Iron Dream

This book is a great choice for those who want to explore a different alternate history scenario, this time focusing on a world where Adolf Hitler became a successful science fiction author instead of a political leader.

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The Proteus Operation cover

James P. Hogan

The Proteus Operation

This book is a great choice for those who want to explore a different alternate history scenario, this time focusing on a world where the Nazis developed time travel technology and used it to alter the outcome of World War II.

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