SPQR is a historical mystery series by John Maddox Roberts, set in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Augustus. The series follows the adventures of Decius Metellus, a Roman senator and detective, as he solves a series of murders and mysteries in the decadent and dangerous world of imperial Rome. With its vivid settings, intricate plots, and fascinating historical detail, SPQR is a captivating and entertaining series for fans of historical fiction and mystery.
Robert Graves
I, Claudius
A historical novel written from the perspective of Claudius, a member of the infamous Julio-Claudian dynasty. This book is a great choice for SPQR readers as it provides an intimate look into the Roman Empire's inner workings during a time period similar to that covered in the SPQR series.
Learn MoreTom Holland
Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic
A gripping narrative history that explores the events leading to the fall of the Roman Republic. This book is a must-read for SPQR fans, as it provides valuable context for the political intrigue and power struggles depicted in the series.
Learn MoreSuetonius
The Twelve Caesars
A collection of biographies of the first twelve Roman emperors, written in the 1st century AD. SPQR readers will appreciate the firsthand accounts of the emperors' lives and the insights they provide into the Roman psyche.
Learn MoreThomas B. Costain
The Silver Chalice
A historical novel that follows the journey of a silver chalice commissioned by
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