Lucia is a series of comedic novels by E.F. Benson, following the character of the same name who is a social climber and aspiring leader of society. The series, which was first published in the early 20th century, is known for its witty dialogue and satirical take on British society. With its timeless humor and relatable characters, the Lucia series remains a classic of the genre.
Nancy Mitford
The Pursuit of Love
Fans of the Lucia series will enjoy this novel's exploration of love, class, and family dynamics. The Pursuit of Love follows the Radlett family and their friends as they navigate the complexities of love and life in 1920s England.
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The Age of Innocence
Set in the high society of 1870s New York, this Pulitzer Prize-winning novel explores the themes of love, marriage, and social expectations, much like the Lucia series. Readers who appreciate the social dynamics in Lucia will find a kindred spirit in Wharton's work.
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