This series, written by John Bellairs, follows the adventures of Lewis Barnavelt, a young orphan who lives in a creaky old house with his eccentric uncle. The house is filled with strange rooms, mysterious staircases, and enchanted objects, and Lewis soon discovers that it also holds a number of secrets. With the help of his friend Rose Rita, Lewis must navigate a world of magic, mystery, and danger as he uncovers the truth about his uncle's past and the secrets of the house.
John Bellairs
The Vengeance of the Witch-Finder
In this thrilling tale, Lewis and Rose Rita must confront a powerful and dangerous enemy from the past, who has returned to seek revenge and wreak havoc on their lives.
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The Curse of the Blue Figurine
In this book, Lewis and Rose Rita must solve a series of bizarre and frightening events, leading them to a cursed artifact and a dangerous enemy who will stop at nothing to obtain its power.
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The House with a Clock in Its Walls
If you enjoyed the magical and mysterious world of Lewis Barnavelt, you'll love this book, the first in the series, which introduces us to the enchanted life of our young protagonist.
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The Figure in the Shadows
A spooky and suspenseful tale, this book features a new mystery for Lewis to solve and introduces us to a new character, Rose Rita, who becomes a close friend and partner in his adventures.
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The Letter, the Witch, and the Ring
In this book, Lewis discovers a mysterious ring that once belonged to a powerful sorcerer, leading to a thrilling adventure filled with magic, mystery, and danger.
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The Ghost in the Mirror
Lewis and Rose Rita are back in this chilling tale, as they investigate a ghostly presence in the mirror of a local museum, uncovering a sinister plot and facing off against a powerful enemy.
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