The Mickey Haller series by Michael Connelly follows the story of Los Angeles defense attorney Mickey Haller, also known as the Lincoln Lawyer. With a focus on courtroom drama and legal thrills, this series is perfect for fans of John Grisham and Scott Turow. The series has been adapted into a movie and a TV show.
Robert Dugoni
The Jury Master
This legal thriller by Robert Dugoni features a defense attorney who must defend a man accused of murder while also dealing with a corrupt judge and a vengeful prosecutor.
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The Lincoln Lawyer
If you enjoyed the Mickey Haller series, you might like to start with the first book in the series. The Lincoln Lawyer introduces defense attorney Mickey Haller as he takes on a case that could make or break his career.
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The Brass Verdict
In this second book in the Mickey Haller series, Haller takes on the case of a murdered lawyer and must navigate the cutthroat world of LA law to find the truth.
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A Time to Kill
Fans of legal thrillers might enjoy this classic novel by John Grisham, in which a small-town lawyer takes on the defense of a black man accused of murdering the men who raped his daughter.
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Presumed Innocent
This legal thriller by Scott Turow features a prosecutor who becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his former mistress. With twists and turns, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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The Runaway Jury
In this legal thriller by John Grisham, a jury consultant must use all his skills to ensure that his client, a tobacco company, wins a major lawsuit. But when a juror starts to have doubts, the stakes are raised even higher.
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