This series by Mercedes Lackey is set in the world of Valdemar, a fantasy kingdom populated by humans and magical creatures. The series follows a group of mages as they fight against a powerful sorcerer who seeks to destroy Valdemar. Fans of epic fantasy and magic will enjoy the detailed world-building and thrilling action in this series.
Mercedes Lackey
The White Gryphon
This is the sequel to The Black Gryphon and continues to follow the characters and world of Valdemar. It is a great continuation for those who have read Mage Wars and want to explore more of the world and its history.
Learn MoreMercedes Lackey
Magic's Pawn
This is the first book in the Heralds of Valdemar series, which takes place in the same world as Mage Wars. It follows the story of a young man named Vanyel, who becomes a powerful herald-mage. It's a great series for those who enjoy the magic and world-building in Mage Wars.
Learn MoreMercedes Lackey
The Oathbound
This is the first book in the Oathbound series, which takes place in the same world as Mage Wars. It follows the story of a young woman named Jaren, who becomes a member of the Oathbound, a group of warriors who protect the kingdom of Valdemar. It's a great series for those who enjoy the action and adventure in Mage Wars.
Learn MoreMercedes Lackey
The Silver Gryphon
This is the third book in the Mage Wars series and continues the story of the mage wars in Valdemar. It's a great continuation for those who have read the previous books in the series and want to explore more of the world and its magic system.
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