Viking II is a series of romance novels by Sandra Hill. The series is set in the Viking age and follows the story of a group of Viking warriors. The series is known for its humor, action, and passionate romance.
Bernard Cornwell
The Last Kingdom
Fans of the Viking II series will enjoy The Last Kingdom, the first book in Bernard Cornwell's Saxon Stories series. The novel follows Uhtred, an English boy who is raised by Vikings after they raid his home. As he grows up, Uhtred must navigate the complex world of 9th century England, where the Vikings and the Saxons are constantly at war. With its action-packed battles, political intrigue, and well-drawn characters, The Last Kingdom is a thrilling read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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The Saga of the Volsungs
The Saga of the Volsungs is an epic Old Norse poem that tells the story of the legendary Volsung family, including the hero Sigurd and his slaying of the dragon Fafnir. For readers who enjoy the mythological elements of the Viking II series, this is a must-read. The Saga of the Volsungs is a thrilling and imaginative tale of heroism, betrayal, and destiny, and a fascinating glimpse into the Viking mythology that inspired Sandra Hill's novels.
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