Discover books similar to "The Nova Trilogy" series

The Nova Trilogy series cover

William S. Burroughs

"The Nova Trilogy" series


The Nova Trilogy, a science fiction series by William S. Burroughs, is a mind-bending exploration of a dystopian future. The series follows the exploits of a group of characters who are caught up in a struggle against the Nova Mob, a powerful and malevolent alien force that seeks to control the universe. With its unique blend of science fiction, mysticism, and cutting-edge social commentary, the Nova Trilogy is a thought-provoking and unforgettable reading experience.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "The Nova Trilogy" series:

Naked Lunch cover

William S. Burroughs

Naked Lunch

For fans of Burroughs' distinctive writing style and provocative themes, 'Naked Lunch' is a must-read. This novel, like 'The Nova Trilogy', is filled with hallucinatory prose, surreal imagery, and a critique of modern society.

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Cities Of The Red Night cover

William S. Burroughs

Cities Of The Red Night

This is another novel by Burroughs that shares the same universe as 'The Nova Trilogy'. It continues the exploration of the themes of control, power, and rebellion, while offering a continuation of the series' unique narrative style.

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VALIS cover

Philip K. Dick


Fans of 'The Nova Trilogy' might enjoy Philip K. Dick's 'Valis', which explores themes of reality, perception, and the nature of consciousness, much like Burroughs' series.

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Ubik cover

Philip K. Dick


Another novel by Philip K. Dick that shares similar themes with 'The Nova Trilogy' is 'Ubik'. This book delves into the concepts of reality, perception, and the power of suggestion, offering a thought-provoking read.

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Gravity's Rainbow cover

Thomas Pynchon

Gravity's Rainbow

For readers who enjoyed the complex narrative structure and thematic depth of 'The Nova Trilogy', 'Gravity's Rainbow' by Thomas Pynchon is an excellent choice. This novel features a sprawling narrative, intricate plot, and a critique of modern society.

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Mason & Dixon cover

Thomas Pynchon

Mason & Dixon

Like 'The Nova Trilogy', 'Mason & Dixon' by Thomas Pynchon features a unique narrative style, complex themes, and a critique of modern society, making it a great choice for fans of Burroughs' series.

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