The Abhorsen Trilogy is a critically acclaimed fantasy series by Garth Nix that follows a young woman named Sabriel as she battles the forces of darkness to save her kingdom. With its unique blend of magic, adventure, and horror, The Abhorsen Trilogy is a thrilling and unforgettable reading experience.
Garth Nix
If you enjoyed The Abhorsen Trilogy, you might like to revisit the beginning of it all with 'Sabriel', the first book in the series. Follow Sabriel as she navigates the Old Kingdom, using her newfound powers as the Abhorsen to defeat the dead who threaten to cross into the realm of the living.
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The second book in The Abhorsen Trilogy, 'Lirael' introduces us to a new protagonist - Lirael, the Clayr librarian who discovers her own powers as she uncovers the mysteries of her past. With the Old Kingdom in peril once again, Lirael must embrace her destiny and work with Sabriel to save their world.
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The Bartimaeus Trilogy
Fans of The Abhorsen Trilogy will enjoy this series, which also features a richly imagined magical world filled with spirits and other supernatural creatures. The series follows the adventures of Nathaniel, a young magician's apprentice, and Bartimaeus, a wise-cracking djinn, as they navigate the treacherous world of magic and politics in London.
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