Anton Strout's Simon Canderous series is a witty and engaging urban fantasy set in a world where the supernatural is the norm. The series follows the adventures of Simon Canderous, a former con artist turned psychic detective, as he battles paranormal threats and solves crimes in the magical underworld of New York City.
Jim Butcher
The Dresden Files series
If you enjoyed the urban fantasy setting and the wise-cracking protagonist of Simon Canderous, you'll love The Dresden Files. This series follows Harry Dresden, a professional wizard and detective, as he solves supernatural crimes in Chicago. The books are full of action, humor, and a diverse cast of characters.
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The Hollows series
The Hollows series is a great choice for readers who enjoyed the blend of urban fantasy and detective work in Simon Canderous. The series follows Rachel Morgan, a witch and bounty hunter, as she solves crimes and battles supernatural threats in an alternate version of Cincinnati. The series is known for its strong female protagonist, intricate plotlines, and unique take on urban fantasy.
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The Sandman Slim series
If you're looking for a darker, grittier urban fantasy series, check out The Sandman Slim series. The series follows James Stark, aka Sandman Slim, as he seeks revenge against the angels and demons who sent him to Hell. The series is full of action, humor, and a unique take on the afterlife.
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The October Daye series
The October Daye series is a great choice for readers who enjoyed the blend of mystery and fantasy in Simon Canderous. The series follows October Daye, a changeling detective, as she solves crimes and battles supernatural threats in a faerie-filled version of San Francisco. The series is known for its strong female protagonist, intricate world-building, and diverse cast of characters.
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