Trail of Glory is a series of alternate history novels written by Eric Flint. The series follows the lives of several characters as they navigate a world where the American Civil War ended in a stalemate and the North and South are forced to coexist. With its complex plotlines and well-developed characters, the Trail of Glory series is a thrilling and thought-provoking read for any alternate history fan.
William Gibson
The Difference Engine
This novel, set in a Victorian era where Charles Babbage's mechanical computer became a reality, will appeal to readers who liked the historical setting and technological elements of Trail of Glory. The book follows a group of characters as they navigate a world of politics, intrigue, and industrial espionage.
Learn MoreNorman Spinrad
The Iron Dream
This novel, which presents an alternate history in which Adolf Hitler became a successful science fiction author, will appeal to readers who liked the thought-provoking and alternate history elements of Trail of Glory. The book is a satire of both fascism and the science fiction genre.
Learn MoreMichael Chabon
The Yiddish Policemen's Union
This novel, set in an alternate history in which a Jewish state was established in Alaska, will appeal to readers who liked the mix of action, politics, and alternate history in Trail of Glory. The book follows a detective as he investigates a murder and uncovers a conspiracy that threatens the future of the Jewish state.
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The Man in the High Castle
This novel, set in an alternate history in which the Axis powers won World War II, will appeal to readers who liked the thought-provoking and alternate history elements of Trail of Glory. The book follows several characters as they navigate a world of danger, intrigue, and moral ambiguity.
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The Plot Against America
This novel, which presents an alternate history in which Charles Lindbergh becomes president and leads the country towards fascism, will appeal to readers who liked the political elements of Trail of Glory. The book follows a Jewish family as they try to survive in a world that is increasingly hostile to them.
Learn MorePaulo Coelho
The Alchemist
This novel, which tells the story of a shepherd boy who embarks on a journey to fulfill his dreams, will appeal to readers who liked the adventure and self-discovery elements of Trail of Glory. The book is a mix of adventure, philosophy, and spirituality, and features a simple yet powerful story.
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