Carson Springs is a heartwarming series by Eileen Goudge, set in a small town in California. The series follows the lives of the residents of Carson Springs, as they navigate the ups and downs of life and love in their close-knit community. A perfect read for fans of emotional, character-driven fiction.
Jack London
The Valley of the Moon
A powerful and moving tale of a couple who leave their troubled past in Oakland to build a new life in the Valley of the Moon, the Napa Valley of the early 20th century. This book shares the themes of love, family, and the struggle for a better life found in Carson Springs.
Learn MoreSue Monk Kidd
The Secret Life of Bees
A heartwarming and thought-provoking novel about a young girl who, along with her black housekeeper, flees her abusive home in South Carolina and finds refuge with a group of beekeeping sisters. This book, like Carson Springs, delves into themes of family, love, and the search for a place to call home.
Learn MoreSarah Addison Allen
The Peach Keeper
A charming and enchanting novel about two childhood friends who are reunited in their North Carolina hometown and discover that their lives are more intertwined than they ever could have imagined. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of family, love, and the power of friendship.
Learn MoreVanessa Diffenbaugh
The Language of Flowers
A captivating and moving novel about a young woman who has spent her entire life in the foster care system and finds solace in the language of flowers. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of love, family, and the search for a place to call home.
Learn MoreM.L. Stedman
The Light Between Oceans
A haunting and beautiful novel about a lighthouse keeper and his wife who make a devastating decision that will change their lives forever. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of love, family, and the power of secrets.
Learn MoreSue Monk Kidd
The Invention of Wings
A powerful and moving novel about a young girl who is given a slave as a birthday present and the two women's fight for freedom and justice. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of family, love, and the struggle for a better life.
Learn MoreLawrence Hill
The Book of Negroes
A sweeping and powerful novel about a young African girl who is captured and sold into slavery in the American South and her fight for freedom and justice. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of family, love, and the struggle for a better life.
Learn MoreBarbara Kingsolver
The Poisonwood Bible
A powerful and moving novel about a Baptist minister and his family who move to the Belgian Congo in 1959 and the unraveling of their lives as they become entangled in the history of the Congo. This book, like Carson Springs, explores the themes of family, love, and the struggle for a better life.
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