Discover books similar to "Sir John Appleby" series

Sir John Appleby series cover

Michael Innes

"Sir John Appleby" series


Michael Innes' 'Sir John Appleby' series is a classic and beloved mystery series. The books follow the adventures of Sir John Appleby, a detective who solves mysteries and uncovers secrets in post-war England. Innes' intricate plotlines and witty dialogue create a delightful and entertaining reading experience for fans of classic mystery.

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List of books similar to "Sir John Appleby" series:

Death At The President's Lodging cover

Michael Innes

Death At The President's Lodging

If you enjoyed the intricate plots and intellectual puzzles of the Appleby series, you'll appreciate this early Innes novel. A classic locked-room mystery, it features many of the elements that would come to define the Appleby books.

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Clouds of Witness cover

Dorothy L. Sayers

Clouds of Witness

Sayers was a contemporary of Innes and a fellow member of the Detection Club. Her Lord Peter Wimsey series shares many of the same qualities as the Appleby books, including witty dialogue, clever plotting, and a strong sense of place. 'Clouds of Witness' is a particular standout.

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Gaudy Night cover

Dorothy L. Sayers

Gaudy Night

Another classic from Dorothy L. Sayers, 'Gaudy Night' is a mystery with a strong emphasis on character and atmosphere. Like Innes, Sayers was known for her erudition and her ability to weave complex plots. Fans of Appleby will find much to like here.

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The Big Sleep cover

Raymond Chandler

The Big Sleep

While Michael Innes wrote in a more traditional vein, fans of his work may also enjoy the hard-boiled detective stories of Raymond Chandler. 'The Big Sleep' is a classic of the genre, featuring Chandler's iconic detective Philip Marlowe.

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The Nine Tailors cover

Dorothy L. Sayers

The Nine Tailors

Another classic from Dorothy L. Sayers, 'The Nine Tailors' is a mystery that revolves around the world of bell-ringing. Like Innes, Sayers was known for her attention to detail and her ability to create vivid, memorable characters.

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Trent's Last Case cover

E.C. Bentley

Trent's Last Case

E.C. Bentley's 'Trent's Last Case' is a classic mystery that features many of the same qualities as the Appleby series. Like Innes, Bentley was known for his wit, his erudition, and his ability to create complex, puzzling plots.

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