Discover books similar to "Conan" series

Conan series cover

Robert Jordan, Robert E. Howard, Poul Anderson

"Conan" series


This series, originally written by Robert E. Howard and later continued by Robert Jordan, follows the adventures of Conan, a barbarian and skilled warrior. Set in the fictional Hyborian Age, Conan travels across the world, encountering various cultures, mythical creatures, and perilous quests. The series is known for its epic world-building, intricate plotlines, and exploration of themes such as heroism, survival, and the human condition.

Books in series:

List of books similar to "Conan" series:

The Lord of the Rings cover

J.R.R. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings

Like 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, 'The Lord of the Rings' by J.R.R. Tolkien is a high fantasy epic that features a vast and detailed world, complex characters, and a sweeping narrative. Fans of Jordan's series will appreciate Tolkien's intricate world-building and attention to detail, as well as the epic quest at the heart of the story.

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The Stormlight Archive cover

Brandon Sanderson

The Stormlight Archive

Like 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, 'The Stormlight Archive' by Brandon Sanderson is a high fantasy series that features detailed world-building, complex characters, and a sweeping narrative. Fans of Jordan's series will appreciate Sanderson's intricate magic systems and attention to detail, as well as the epic scope of the story.

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The Gentlemen Bastards cover

Scott Lynch

The Gentlemen Bastards

Like 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, 'The Gentlemen Bastards' by Scott Lynch is a swashbuckling, action-packed fantasy series that features detailed world-building, complex characters, and a sweeping narrative. Fans of Jordan's series will appreciate Lynch's witty, fast-paced storytelling and attention to detail.

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The Lies of Locke Lamora cover

Scott Lynch

The Lies of Locke Lamora

If you enjoyed 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, you'll love 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' by Scott Lynch. This swashbuckling, action-packed fantasy novel features many of the same elements that make 'Conan' so compelling, including intricate world-building, detailed magic systems, and a sprawling cast of characters. 'The Lies of Locke Lamora' is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.

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The Powder Mage Trilogy cover

Brian McClellan

The Powder Mage Trilogy

Like 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, 'The Powder Mage Trilogy' by Brian McClellan is a gritty, action-packed fantasy series that features detailed world-building, complex characters, and a sweeping narrative. Fans of Jordan's series will appreciate McClellan's brutal, uncompromising storytelling and attention to detail.

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The Broken Empire cover

Mark Lawrence

The Broken Empire

If you enjoyed 'Conan' by Robert Jordan, you'll love 'The Broken Empire' by Mark Lawrence. This dark, action-packed fantasy series features many of the same elements that make 'Conan' so compelling, including intricate world-building, detailed magic systems, and a sprawling cast of characters. 'The Broken Empire' is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy.

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