In this cozy mystery series, Mary Daheim takes readers on a journey through the world of bed-and-breakfast inns. Set in the picturesque town of Alpine, Washington, the series follows the adventures of Judith McMonigle Flynn, the owner of the Hillside Manor Bed-and-Breakfast Inn. As Judith navigates the challenges of running an inn, she also finds herself entangled in a series of mysterious events and murders. With its witty dialogue, engaging characters, and intricate plotlines, the Bed-and-Breakfast series is a delightful read.
Alan Bradley
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
For fans of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, 'The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie' by Alan Bradley is a great choice. This novel features an 11-year-old amateur sleuth named Flavia de Luce, who lives in a crumbling estate in 1950s England, and it shares the same charming and engaging tone as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
Murder at the Vicarage
If you're a fan of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, you'll enjoy Agatha Christie's 'Murder at the Vicarage'. This classic mystery novel features Miss Marple and her keen observations, set in a quaint English village, much like the settings in Daheim's series.
Learn MoreCharlotte MacLeod
Rest You Merry
For those who enjoy the cozy mystery style of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, 'Rest You Merry' by Charlotte MacLeod is a great choice. This book features a retired professor and his wife who run a bed and breakfast in a small New England town, and it shares the same warm and inviting atmosphere as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreNancy Atherton
Aunt Dimity's Death
If you're a fan of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, you'll enjoy 'Aunt Dimity's Death' by Nancy Atherton. This novel features an American woman who inherits a cottage in an English village and discovers that her aunt's ghost is living there, and it shares the same charming and magical tone as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreJosephine Tey
The Daughter of Time
For those who enjoy the historical elements in Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, 'The Daughter of Time' by Josephine Tey is a great choice. This novel features a detective who becomes fascinated with the historical mystery surrounding Richard III and the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower, and it shares the same intriguing and thought-provoking tone as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreE.W. Hornung
The Amateur Cracksman
For those who enjoy the light-hearted and humorous elements in Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, 'The Amateur Cracksman' by E.W. Hornung is a great choice. This novel features a gentleman thief and his adventures, and it shares the same entertaining and witty tone as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreAlexander McCall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
If you're a fan of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, you'll enjoy 'The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency' by Alexander McCall Smith. This novel features a woman who starts a detective agency in Botswana, and it shares the same independent and adventurous spirit as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreLilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern
For those who enjoy the feline elements in Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, 'The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern' by Lilian Jackson Braun is a great choice. This novel features a journalist and his Siamese cat who solve mysteries together, and it shares the same cozy and comforting tone as Daheim's series.
Learn MoreAgatha Christie
The Moving Finger
If you're a fan of Mary Daheim's 'Bed-and-Breakfast' series, you'll enjoy 'The Moving Finger' by Agatha Christie. This novel features Miss Marple and her observations, set in a quaint English village, much like the settings in Daheim's series. The Moving Finger also features a series of poison pen letters, which adds a unique and intriguing element to the story.
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