The Posadas County Mystery series by Steven F. Havill is a riveting collection of crime novels set in rural New Mexico. Undersheriff Bill Gastner and his successor, Sheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman, unravel complex mysteries in a captivating Southwestern backdrop. With 23 books in the series, including 'Heartshot,' 'Acequia,' and 'Dust Devils,' it offers a rich blend of suspense, local color, and character development.
Andrew Gross
The Dark Tide
This thrilling novel follows a New York prosecutor who returns to his rural hometown to investigate a series of murders that may be linked to a decades-old tragedy. Fans of Posadas County Mystery will enjoy the small-town setting, the complex characters, and the intricate plot that blends elements of mystery, suspense, and drama.
Learn MoreCharles Dickens
The Old Curiosity Shop
This classic novel follows the fortunes of Nell Trent and her grandfather as they navigate a world of danger, mystery, and intrigue. Fans of Posadas County Mystery will enjoy the intricate plotting, the vivid characters, and the exploration of the tensions between morality and survival.
Learn MoreCarlos Ruiz Zafón
The Shadow of the Wind
This enchanting novel follows a young boy who becomes obsessed with a mysterious book and its reclusive author, leading him down a path of danger, mystery, and adventure. Fans of Posadas County Mystery will appreciate the atmospheric setting, the intricate plotting, and the exploration of the power of storytelling.
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The Dry
Set in a remote Australian town, this mystery follows a federal agent who returns home to investigate a murder that may be linked to a tragic event from his past. Fans of Posadas County Mystery will appreciate the atmospheric setting, the complex characters, and the intricate plot that blends elements of mystery, suspense, and drama.
Learn MoreSujata Massey
The Widows of Malabar Hill
This historical mystery follows a female lawyer in 1920s Bombay who must navigate a complex web of family secrets, cultural traditions, and colonial politics to solve a series of murders. Fans of Posadas County Mystery will appreciate the intricate plotting, the vivid characters, and the exploration of the tensions between morality and justice.
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