Experience the warmth and charm of Debbie Macomber's Midnight Sons Series, set in the small town of Alaska. This collection of heartwarming stories follows the lives of the Midnight Sons, a group of pilots who work for a small Alaskan air service. As they navigate their personal and professional lives, they discover the power of love, friendship, and community. These uplifting novels will leave you feeling inspired and hopeful.
Lisa Wingate
The Sea Keeper's Daughters
This is a powerful and moving novel that explores the bonds of family and the power of secrets to shape our lives. The Sea Keeper's Daughters tells the story of two women who are connected by a mysterious letter and a shared history. As they uncover the secrets of their past, they learn to forgive, heal, and move on.
Learn MoreDiane Chamberlain
The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes
This is a gripping and suspenseful novel that explores the complexities of motherhood and the power of secrets to shape our lives. The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes tells the story of a young woman who gives up her baby for adoption and then spends the next 25 years haunted by the secret. When the child goes missing, CeeCee is forced to confront her past and face the consequences of her actions.
Learn MoreVanessa Diffenbaugh
The Language of Flowers
This is a beautiful and moving novel that explores the power of flowers to communicate emotions and heal wounds. The Language of Flowers tells the story of a young woman who has spent her entire life in the foster care system and is now emancipated and on her own. She discovers the lost language of flowers and uses it to communicate with the people around her, eventually finding love and redemption in the most unexpected of places.
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