This military science fiction series, written by William H. Keith Jr., is set in a future where mechs, known as Warstriders, are used in warfare. The series follows the story of a group of pilots as they navigate the complexities of war and politics.
Robert A. Heinlein
Starship Troopers
If you enjoyed the military sci-fi setting of Warstrider, you'll love Starship Troopers. This classic novel by Robert A. Heinlein follows the story of a young soldier named Juan Rico as he fights in an interstellar war against a hostile alien race. The book explores themes of citizenship, moral responsibility, and the nature of war, all wrapped up in a thrilling and action-packed narrative.
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The Forever War
The Forever War by Joe Haldeman is a must-read for fans of Warstrider. This novel, which won the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1975, follows the story of a soldier named William Mandella as he fights in a brutal war against an alien race. The book explores the effects of time dilation on soldiers who are fighting in a war that spans centuries, and the psychological toll it takes on them. If you're looking for a thought-provoking and action-packed military sci-fi novel, The Forever War is a great choice.
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Ender's Game
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a classic of military sci-fi, and a great choice for fans of Warstrider. The novel follows the story of a young boy named Ender Wiggin, who is recruited by the military to attend a special school for gifted children. There, he is trained to become a commander in the military's fight against an alien race. The book explores themes of leadership, morality, and the cost of war, all wrapped up in a thrilling and exciting narrative.
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Old Man's War
Old Man's War by John Scalzi is a great choice for fans of Warstrider who are looking for a military sci-fi novel with a unique twist. The novel follows the story of a 75-year-old man named John Perry, who decides to join the military in order to get a new body and a chance to live on other planets. The book explores themes of aging, identity, and the value of life, all wrapped up in a thrilling and action-packed narrative.
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The Empire Trilogy
The Empire Trilogy by Janny Wurts and Raymond E. Feist is a great choice for fans of Warstrider who are looking for a military fantasy series with a complex and intricate plot. The series follows the story of two young men, one from each side of a bitter war, who are brought together by fate to change the course of history. The series explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the human cost of war, all wrapped up in a thrilling and exciting narrative.
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The Vorkosigan Saga
The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold is a great choice for fans of Warstrider who are looking for a military sci-fi series with a focus on character development. The series follows the story of Miles Vorkosigan, a disabled war veteran who becomes a military commander and diplomat. The series explores themes of identity, disability, and the human capacity for growth and change, all wrapped up in a thrilling and exciting narrative.
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