The Cat Scratch series, written by Tara K. Harper, is a thrilling set of science fiction novels that follow the adventures of a group of genetically engineered cat-like beings known as the Elidi. The series consists of six books, starting with "Cat Scratch Fever" and ending with "Cat's Cradle." In the first book, we are introduced to the Elidi, who are the result of a top-secret government experiment to create the ultimate soldiers. However, when the project is shut down, the Elidi escape and must learn to survive in a world that fears and hates them. The series follows the Elidi as they struggle to find their place in the world, all while being pursued by those who see them as a threat. Throughout the series, Harper expertly explores themes of identity, acceptance, and what it means to be human. The Elidi, who are neither fully cat nor fully human, must grapple with their own sense of self and the ways in which they are perceived by others. They are complex and nuanced characters, each with their own unique personality and backstory. Harper's world-building is also a standout aspect of the series. She creates a rich and detailed universe, filled with fascinating creatures and technologies. The action is fast-paced and thrilling, with plenty of twists and turns to keep readers engaged. Overall, the Cat Scratch series is a must-read for fans of science fiction and adventure. Its unique premise, well-developed characters, and engaging plot make it a standout in the genre. Whether you're a fan of cats, science fiction, or just a good adventure story, the Cat Scratch series is sure to delight.
Kevin Hearne
The Iron Druid Chronicles: Hounded
If you're looking for a series with a similar blend of humor, action, and mythology as 'Cat Scratch', look no further than Kevin Hearne's Iron Druid Chronicles. In 'Hounded', the first book in the series, we meet Atticus O'Sullivan, a 2,000-year-old Druid who runs a bookstore in Tempe, Arizona. When a rival Celtic god comes after him, Atticus must use his wit, charm, and magical abilities to outsmart his enemies. Fans of 'Cat Scratch' will enjoy the clever dialogue and imaginative world-building.
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The Dresden Files: Storm Front
For those who enjoy the blend of mystery and magic in 'Cat Scratch', Jim Butcher's Dresden Files series is a perfect fit. In 'Storm Front', the first book in the series, we meet Harry Dresden, a wizard and private investigator who takes on cases that involve the supernatural. When a series of gruesome murders rocks Chicago, Harry must use his skills to track down the killer before it's too late. Fans of 'Cat Scratch' will enjoy the snarky humor and intricate plotlines.
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