For Better or For Worse is a comic strip created by Canadian cartoonist Lynn Johnston. The strip follows the lives of the Pattersons, a middle-class family living in the suburbs of Toronto. The series explores the ups and downs of family life, including marriage, child-rearing, and aging. With its realistic characters and relatable situations, For Better or For Worse has become a beloved fixture of newspapers around the world.
Bill Watterson
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes is a beloved comic strip that follows the adventures of Calvin, a mischievous and imaginative six-year-old, and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. While not as grounded in reality as 'For Better or For Worse', this comic strip shares its warm humor and insightful commentary on life.
Learn MoreJerry Scott
Zits is a comic strip that follows the life of Jeremy, a teenager trying to navigate the ups and downs of high school, family, and growing up. Like 'For Better or For Worse', this comic strip explores the challenges and triumphs of everyday life with humor, intelligence, and a keen eye for the absurdities of adolescence.
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