Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is a riveting manga series by Harold Sakuishi. The series follows a group of high school students as they form a rock band and navigate the challenges of the music industry. With each book, the band members must overcome obstacles and find their own unique sound.
Ai Yazawa
Nana, Vol. 1
Nana is a manga series that, like Beck, explores the world of music and the struggles of young adults. The story follows two girls named Nana who share the same name but have very different personalities. They meet on a train to Tokyo and end up living together, with Nana dreaming of becoming a professional musician.
Learn MoreTakehiko Inoue
Slam Dunk, Vol. 1
Slam Dunk is a sports manga that, like Beck, focuses on a high school student who joins a sports team. Hanamichi Sakuragi is a delinquent who has never played basketball before, but he quickly becomes the star of his school's team. The series is known for its intense basketball action and character development.
Learn MoreMasashi Kishimoto
Naruto, Vol. 1
Naruto is a manga series that, like Beck, explores the world of music and the struggles of young adults. The story follows Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja who dreams of becoming the strongest ninja in his village. Naruto is known for its intense action and character development.
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