Christopher Rowley's Bazil Broketail series is a thrilling blend of science fiction and fantasy, centered around the eponymous Bazil, a giant, cigar-smoking space dog. Together with his human partner, Scoop, they defend the planet of Xeen from various alien threats. A unique and entertaining series for fans of both genres.
Joe Abercrombie
The First Law Trilogy
If you enjoyed the gritty realism and complex morality of Bazil Broketail, you'll love The First Law Trilogy. This series follows a group of flawed and morally ambiguous characters as they navigate a brutal and unforgiving world filled with war, politics, and betrayal.
Learn MoreBrian McClellan
The Powder Mage Trilogy
Fans of Bazil Broketail's military strategy and epic battles will appreciate the attention to detail and tactical brilliance in this series. Set in a world where magic and gunpowder coexist, The Powder Mage Trilogy follows a group of characters as they fight to save their world from destruction.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence
If you enjoyed the wit and charm of Bazil Broketail's characters, you'll love The Gentlemen Bastards Sequence. This series follows a group of thieves and con artists as they navigate the treacherous waters of high society and low morals.
Learn MoreMiles Cameron
The Traitor Son Cycle
Fans of Bazil Broketail's military strategy and epic battles will appreciate the attention to detail and historical accuracy in this series. The Traitor Son Cycle follows a group of characters as they navigate the complex world of medieval politics, warfare, and magic.
Learn MoreDjango Wexler
The Shadow Campaigns
If you enjoyed the military strategy and political intrigue in Bazil Broketail, you'll love The Shadow Campaigns. This series follows a group of characters as they navigate the complex world of colonialism, warfare, and magic.
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