Polka Dot Private Eye is a charming and engaging mystery series for children, written by Patricia Reilly Giff. The series follows the adventures of a young girl named Anna, who aspires to be a detective and solves mysteries in her neighborhood with the help of her friends. The series is filled with humor, adventure, and life lessons, making it a perfect choice for young readers who love a good whodunit.
Blue Balliett
Chasing Vermeer
If you're looking for a captivating mystery with intricate puzzles and art connections, 'Chasing Vermeer' is the perfect choice. This novel, filled with suspense and intrigue, will remind you of 'Polka Dot Private Eye' and its engaging storyline.
Learn MoreEllen Raskin
The Westing Game
A classic whodunit, 'The Westing Game' is a perfect match for 'Polka Dot Private Eye' readers. When an eccentric millionaire dies, sixteen people who knew him are brought together to solve the mystery of his death and inherit his fortune.
Learn MoreE.L. Konigsburg
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
If you enjoyed the adventurous spirit of 'Polka Dot Private Eye', you'll appreciate 'From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler'. This Newbery Medal-winning novel tells the story of Claudia and her brother Jamie, who run away to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and uncover a mystery involving a statue and its mysterious donor.
Learn MoreTrenton Lee Stewart
The Mysterious Benedict Society
For those who love the cleverness and camaraderie found in 'Polka Dot Private Eye', 'The Mysterious Benedict Society' is a must-read. Four gifted orphans are recruited by the enigmatic Mr. Benedict to save the world from a dangerous plot.
Learn MoreRansom Riggs
The Peculiar
If you're intrigued by the unique characters and magical elements in 'Polka Dot Private Eye', you'll be captivated by 'The Peculiar'. This novel, filled with strange creatures, mystery, and suspense, is set in an alternative 1930s England where peculiar children are in constant danger.
Learn MoreSiobhan Dowd
The London Eye Mystery
If you're looking for a gripping mystery with a strong sibling relationship like in 'Polka Dot Private Eye', 'The London Eye Mystery' is an excellent choice. When Ted and his sister Salim disappear on the London Eye, Ted uses his unique way of thinking to unravel the mystery.
Learn MorePseudonymous Bosch
The Name of This Book Is Secret
For readers who enjoy the humor and secrets in 'Polka Dot Private Eye', 'The Name of This Book Is Secret' is a delightful choice. Two unlikely heroes, Cass and Max-Ernest, join forces to uncover the truth behind a secret society and its connection to a magical performance troupe.
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