The Tale of the Five is a captivating fantasy series by Diane Duane that follows the adventures of five magical beings as they navigate a world filled with wonder, danger, and intrigue. This series combines rich world-building, engaging characters, and a thrilling plot to create an unforgettable reading experience for fantasy lovers.
Scott Lynch
The Lies of Locke Lamora
Like 'The Tale of the Five', this book features a group of thieves with unique abilities, working together to pull off heists and outsmart their enemies. The banter and camaraderie between the characters will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
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The Wheel of Time series
If you're looking for a long, epic fantasy series with a large cast of characters and a focus on magic, 'The Wheel of Time' is a great choice. The series shares Duane's attention to detail and world-building, and the magic system will be familiar to fans of 'The Tale of the Five'.
Learn MoreScott Lynch
The Gentlemen Bastards series
This series, like 'The Tale of the Five', features a group of thieves with unique abilities, working together to pull off heists and outsmart their enemies. The banter and camaraderie between the characters will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
Learn MoreBrandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive series
If you're looking for a long, epic fantasy series with a large cast of characters and a focus on magic, 'The Stormlight Archive' is a great choice. Sanderson's world-building and attention to detail will be familiar to fans of 'The Tale of the Five'.
Learn MoreJoe Abercrombie
The First Law series
Like 'The Tale of the Five', this series features a group of characters with unique abilities, working together to achieve their goals. The focus on action and violence will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
Learn MoreBrian McClellan
The Powder Mage Trilogy
This series, like 'The Tale of the Five', features a protagonist with a unique magical ability and a complicated past. The focus on gunpowder and military strategy will also be familiar to readers of Duane's series.
Learn MoreBrent Weeks
The Lightbringer series
This series, like 'The Tale of the Five', features a protagonist with a unique magical ability and a complicated past. The focus on light and color magic will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
Learn MoreMark Lawrence
The Broken Empire series
Like 'The Tale of the Five', this series features a protagonist with a unique magical ability and a complicated past. The focus on violence and strategy will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
Learn MoreJim Butcher
The Dresden Files series
This series, like 'The Tale of the Five', features a protagonist with a unique magical ability and a complicated past. The focus on detective work and mystery will be familiar to fans of Duane's series.
Learn MoreSteven Erikson
The Malazan Book of the Fallen series
If you're looking for a long, epic fantasy series with a large cast of characters and a focus on magic, 'The Malazan Book of the Fallen' is a great choice. The series shares Duane's attention to detail and world-building, and the magic system will be familiar to fans of 'The Tale of the Five'.
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