4 Tots for 4 Texans is a heartwarming series by Judy Christenberry, centering around four orphaned siblings finding a new home and family in Texas. This collection, including 'The Texans Take Over', 'The Texans' New Beginning', 'The Texans' Secret', and 'The Texans' Surprise', explores themes of love, family, and belonging through the eyes of the young protagonists. 4 Tots for 4 Texans is an engaging and uplifting read for children and their families.
Larry McMurtry
Lonesome Dove
A classic western novel that follows a group of former Texas Rangers as they drive a herd of cattle from Texas to Montana. Filled with adventure, humor, and heartbreak, this book is a must-read for any fan of westerns.
Learn MorePhilipp Meyer
The Son
A multi-generational epic that tells the story of the McCullough family, who have been in Texas since before it was a republic. From the Comanche raids of the 1800s to the oil booms of the 20th century, this book is a sweeping examination of Texas history and the people who made it.
Learn MorePatrick deWitt
The Sisters Brothers
A darkly comic novel about two brothers, Eli and Charlie Sisters, who are hired guns in the Old West. As they make their way to California to kill a man, they encounter a host of quirky characters and have a series of misadventures that will leave readers laughing out loud.
Learn MorePaulette Jiles
News of the World
Set in post-Civil War Texas, this novel tells the story of Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd, a veteran who travels from town to town reading the news to people. When he is asked to return a young girl who was kidnapped by the Kiowa to her family, he embarks on a dangerous journey that will test his resolve and his beliefs.
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