The "Wales" series, penned by award-winning author Deborah Martin, offers a captivating blend of historical fiction, romance, and mystery set against the breathtaking backdrop of Wales. This enthralling series, comprising six books, explores the lives of the Welsh people and their struggles against the tumultuous socio-political climate of the 12th and 13th centuries. In the first book, "A Dragon's Heritage," readers are introduced to the strong-willed and compassionate protagonist, Gwenllian, who must navigate the treacherous world of Welsh nobility following her father's death. As she uncovers her family's secrets and forges alliances to protect her people, Gwenllian finds herself drawn to the enigmatic English knight, Rhys. Their passionate yet forbidden love story unfolds amidst the larger narrative of Welsh resistance against English rule. The subsequent books in the series delve deeper into the lives of Gwenllian and Rhys's descendants, weaving intricate tales of love, loyalty, and betrayal. "A Dragon's Heart" follows the journey of their son, Llewelyn, as he strives to unite the Welsh princes against the growing English influence. Meanwhile, "A Dragon's Honor" tells the story of Gwenllian's granddaughter, Eluned, who must reconcile her Welsh heritage with her English upbringing. Martin's vivid descriptions of the Welsh landscape and her meticulous attention to historical detail create an immersive reading experience. Her characters are well-rounded and relatable, allowing readers to become emotionally invested in their fates. The series also addresses complex themes such as cultural identity, nationalism, and the consequences of political ambition. In conclusion, the "Wales" series is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and romance. Deborah Martin's compelling storytelling and richly detailed world-building will transport readers to medieval Wales, leaving them eager for the next installment in this unforgettable saga.
Susan Cooper
The Grey King
For readers who enjoyed the magical realism elements in Deborah Martin's Wales series, The Grey King is a must-read. This novel, which won the Newbery Medal in 1976, tells the story of a young boy who must confront the forces of darkness in order to save his family and his land.
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The Crystal Cave
If you're interested in learning more about the early years of King Arthur, as depicted in Deborah Martin's series, The Crystal Cave is a great choice. This novel tells the story of Merlin, Arthur's legendary advisor, and provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of medieval Wales.
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The Owl Service
For readers who enjoyed the mythological and supernatural elements in Deborah Martin's series, The Owl Service is a must-read. This novel tells the story of a group of young people who become caught up in an ancient Welsh myth, with dangerous consequences.
Learn MoreLloyd Alexander
The Book of Three
Fans of epic fantasy, as featured in Deborah Martin's series, will enjoy The Book of Three. This novel tells the story of a young boy who must embark on a dangerous quest to save his land from an evil warlord.
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The Broken Sword
For readers who enjoyed the sword and sorcery elements in Deborah Martin's series, The Broken Sword is a great choice. This novel tells the story of a Viking warrior who becomes embroiled in a battle between the forces of light and darkness.
Learn MoreT.H. White
The Once and Future King
If you're interested in a comprehensive retelling of the Arthurian legend, as depicted in Deborah Martin's series, The Once and Future King is a must-read. This novel tells the story of King Arthur from his youth to his death, and provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of medieval Wales.
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