Part of "Bed-and-Breakfast" series
"Snow Place to Die" by Mary Daheim is a cozy mystery novel that takes place during the holiday season in the small town of Alpine, Washington. The story follows protagonist Emma Lord, the editor of the town's newspaper, as she becomes embroiled in a murder investigation. As the snow falls and the town is decorated for the holidays, a local real estate agent is found dead in a model home. With a long list of suspects and a blizzard bearing down on the town, it's up to Emma to unravel the mystery before the killer strikes again. Daheim's writing style is engaging and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of the small town and its quirky inhabitants. The characters are well-developed and relatable, making it easy for readers to become invested in their stories. The author also incorporates elements of humor and romance, adding depth and interest to the plot. One of the strengths of "Snow Place to Die" is the way Daheim weaves together the various storylines, creating a complex and satisfying mystery. The pacing is well-balanced, with enough twists and turns to keep readers guessing until the very end. Overall, "Snow Place to Die" is a delightful cozy mystery that is perfect for fans of the genre. With its engaging characters, picturesque setting, and intriguing plot, it is sure to keep readers entertained from beginning to end. Whether you're looking for a holiday-themed mystery or just a good book to curl up with on a cold winter night, this novel is sure to fit the bill...