Part of "Bed-and-Breakfast" series
"Dune to Death" by Mary Daheim is a cozy mystery novel that takes readers to the scenic San Juan Islands in Washington State. The story revolves around protagonist Judith McMonigle Flynn, a former Seattle journalist who now runs a bed-and-breakfast with her husband, Joe. As the novel begins, Judith and Joe are preparing for the arrival of their guests, who include a group of amateur archaeologists. The group has come to the island to search for evidence of an ancient civilization rumored to have once inhabited the area. However, their plans are derailed when one of the archaeologists is found dead on the beach, leading Judith to once again don her investigative hat. Daheim's writing style is engaging and descriptive, painting a vivid picture of the island's natural beauty and the quirks of its residents. The novel is infused with a touch of humor, making it a light and entertaining read. At the same time, the author explores deeper themes, such as the impact of tourism on small communities and the importance of preserving cultural heritage. The characters in "Dune to Death" are well-developed and likable, with Judith serving as a relatable and witty protagonist. The supporting cast of characters, including the eccentric archaeologists and Judith's colorful family members, add depth and interest to the story. Overall, "Dune to Death" is a delightful cozy mystery that will appeal to fans of the genre. Its engaging plot, well-drawn characters, and beautiful setting make it a standout addition to Daheim's popular series. Whether you're a longtime fan of Judith McMonigle Flynn or new to the series, "Dune to Death" is a satisfying and enjoyable read...
Mary Daheim
The Alpine Advocate
Another great read for fans of Dune to Death is The Alpine Advocate, also by Mary Daheim. This novel is set in the same town as Dune to Death and features some of the same characters. The Alpine Advocate follows Emma Lord as she investigates the murder of a local newspaper publisher, uncovering a web of secrets and lies in the process.
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The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern
For fans of cozy mysteries with a feline twist, try The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern by Lilian Jackson Braun. This novel is the first in the popular Cat Who series and features a journalist and his Siamese cats who solve mysteries together. With its charming setting and lovable feline characters, The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern is a great read for fans of Dune to Death.
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The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
If you're looking for a cozy mystery with a unique protagonist, try The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley. This novel is the first in the Flavia de Luce mystery series and features an 11-year-old chemist and amateur detective. With its witty dialogue and intricate plot, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is a great read for fans of Dune to Death.
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Aunt Dimity's Death
For fans of cozy mysteries with a supernatural twist, try Aunt Dimity's Death by Nancy Atherton. This novel is the first in the Aunt Dimity series and features a young widow who inherits a cottage in England from her recently deceased aunt. When she discovers a series of letters from her aunt, she realizes that she must solve a mystery to unlock the secrets of her inheritance.
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Murder at the Vicarage
If you're a fan of classic mystery novels, try Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie. This novel is the first in the Miss Marple series and features a small-town vicar who discovers a body in his study. With its intricate plot and witty dialogue, Murder at the Vicarage is a great read for fans of Dune to Death.
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The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
For fans of cozy mysteries with a unique setting, try The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. This novel is the first in the series of the same name and features a woman who starts a detective agency in Botswana. With its charming setting and lovable protagonist, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is a great read for fans of Dune to Death.
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The Daughter of Time
If you're a fan of historical mysteries, try The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey. This novel features a detective who becomes obsessed with the mystery of Richard III and the disappearance of the Princes in the Tower. With its intricate plot and historical detail, The Daughter of Time is a great read for fans of Dune to Death.
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